Ownership of all materials on our website

We are the rightful owner of all copyright, design, graphic and text arrangements, database rights, and other intellectual property rights present on our website, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

The images, logos, names, and trademarks featured on our website are proprietary marks of members of rentma8.com and/or relevant third parties. No provision on our website grants any individual a license or right to use any such image, logo, name, or trademark. Any unauthorized use may constitute an infringement of the rights of the proprietor and/or licensee.

You are prohibited from commercially exploiting, publishing, distributing, extracting, re-utilizing, or reproducing any part of our website. No segment of our website may be reproduced, stored, modified, adapted, uploaded to another location, or displayed in public without our prior written approval.

If you engage in any discussions or forums on our website, you acknowledge that any comments and suggestions made by you become our property. We reserve the right to use your input without payment to you or any other person, and we are free to develop the concepts or similar concepts mentioned by you on our website. Furthermore, you warrant that such use by us will not infringe upon any third party's rights.

Availability and accuracy of our website

While we strive to maintain the availability and accuracy of our website, certain technical matters may be beyond our control. We cannot guarantee uninterrupted or error-free access to our website at all times, nor can we ensure that defects will be remedied promptly or that our website or the servers hosting it are free of viruses or bugs.

Although we have endeavored to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the content on our website, we cannot guarantee that our website will meet all your requirements. Our website and the information and materials contained therein are provided on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis.

Access to and use of our website are at your own risk, and we do not warrant that using our website or downloading any material from it will not cause damage to your property. Additionally, we do not accept liability for losses or damages arising from unauthorized changes made to the content of our website by third parties.

We reserve the right to suspend access to our website without notice for maintenance or other reasons.

If you access or use our website, you are responsible for complying with all applicable local laws. You may not access or transact on our website if local laws prohibit such access or render any product or service contained therein illegal or unenforceable.

The following provisions exclude or limit our legal liability in connection with your use of our website. These provisions should be read carefully, and nothing herein attempts to exclude liability that is not permitted under applicable law:

  • We are not liable for any loss of content or material when uploading or transmitting it through our website.
  • We cannot guarantee the availability of any particular product or service at any given time or price, nor do we accept liability for withdrawing a product or service or rejecting your application for any reason.
  • We exclude any warranties, undertakings, or representations to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, including without limitation the appropriateness or availability of our website or its content for use in any jurisdiction.
  • We (including our employees, officers, and directors) exclude all liability in contract, tort (including negligence), statutory duty, or otherwise arising from the use of, access to, or inability to access our website, errors or omissions contained therein, or if our website is unavailable.
  • We (including our employees, officers, and directors) shall not be liable for any direct or indirect economic losses, loss of revenues, data, profits, contracts, use, opportunity, business, or anticipated savings, goodwill, reputation, or any special, incidental, or consequential loss or damage incurred due to your use of our website or non-compliance with these terms and conditions.

Use of personal information

Through your use of our website you agree that personal information that is provided will be dealt with in accordance with our Privacy Policy

With your explicit consent, we may use your contact details to send you marketing materials, newsletters, and promotional offers. You can opt-out of receiving such communications at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions included in our emails or by contacting us directly.

Website Links

We may include links to other websites over which we have no control. These links are provided solely for your information and convenience. By clicking on these links, you will leave our website. We do not endorse, recommend, or take responsibility for the content on these third-party websites or their availability, and we shall not be liable for any loss or damage you may incur by using those websites. Should you choose to access linked websites, you do so at your own risk.

Our website may also feature information about special offers, deals, or promotions from entities unrelated to us. We do not endorse, sponsor, or approve of any such third-party offers or the material associated with them.

Restrictions of Use

You must not use our website in any manner that may cause or is likely to cause interruption or impairment of access to our website. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for all electronic communications sent from your computer.

When using our website, you must not, either directly or indirectly, or with or by any third party:

  1. Use our website for any purpose other than (a) as a legitimate customer or (b) for a non-commercial purpose.
  2. Take any action that may disrupt access to or interfere with the proper functioning of our website.
  3. Employ any data accumulation tool, robot, spider, or other automatic device or process to compile, disseminate, extract, process, monitor, or copy any web pages from our website, including any information, data, graphics, or content.
  4. Use any automated process to aggregate or combine information, content, or data contained within or accessible through our website with information, content, or data accessible via or sourced from any third party.
  5. Take any action that places an unusually large load on the infrastructure or bandwidth connecting to our website.
  6. Engage in decompiling, reverse engineering, reverse assembling, or attempting to reveal source code or other processes or formulas connected with our website and other software.
  7. Copy, reproduce, alter, modify, or publicly display any part or content from our website without our written approval.

Interference or entry into our website with intent to corrupt, damage, or deny service from our website or for other commercial benefit will be taken very seriously. We will take necessary action to protect our website from any such activities and to safeguard our intellectual property rights.

You acknowledge that damages may not be an adequate remedy for any infringement of such rights by you. Therefore, we are entitled to remedies such as injunction, specific performance, orders to deliver up infringing copies, and any other statutory or equitable relief for any threatened or actual infringement. No posting of security or proof of special damages is necessary for reliance on such remedies.

You also agree to indemnify us for any liability incurred by us for any costs, damages, or expenses, however caused, suffered by us as a result or consequence of your breach of these Terms of Use.

Amendment to these Terms of Use

These Terms of Use may be updated from time to time and we are not obliged to specifically contact you or notify you of any changes to our website or to these Terms of Use.

You accept that by our posting of the new terms on our website that we have provided you with sufficient notice of variation. By use of our website after any variation, you have agreed to and accepted the new Terms of Use. We suggest that you check these Terms of Use whenever you visit our website.

If any provision of these Terms of Use is unlawful, void or unenforceable for any reason the particular provision shall be deemed deleted and will not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions of use.

Indemnity and waiver

If you breach these Terms of Use, you agree to indemnify us for any and all loss that we may suffer and for any costs and expenses that may be incurred by us as a result from or consequence of your breach.

If you breach these Terms of Use and we do not take immediate action against you, we are still entitled to enforce our rights and remedies in respect of any such breach or any subsequent breach.

My acknowledgment

You acknowledge and accept that your use of our website indicates your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.